English Muffins Hawaiian Pizza


Enjoy the Tropical Taste of English Muffins Hawaiian Pizza

If you’re looking for a quick and convenient way to feed the whole family, look no further than this Wonder® Classic English Muffins Hawaiian Pizza! This tropical treat is a great way to give your family a bite-sized alternative to a food they love, and with ham, pineapple, and onion this tasty treat will keep them fueled up for a day full of fun.


A Trip to the Tropics

This English Muffins Hawaiian Pizza is fun, easy, and most importantly, delicious. It’s perfect for weekend lunches, after-school snacks, or even family dinners! The tangy taste of pineapple may spark conversation when it comes to whether or not it belongs on pizza, but after one bite of this recipe, that argument will be put to bed faster than your family can finish off a plate of these tasty snacks! While this recipe may be for a Hawaiian pizza, don’t be afraid to branch out and try any combination of toppings you choose. If you end up with some delicious creations of your own, be sure to share them with us—we might have to try them ourselves!


Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: About 15 minutes
Serves: 6


You’ll Need:

  • 1 pack Wonder® Classic English Muffins, split

  • 3/4 cup marinara sauce

  • 3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

  • 12 slices deli ham, chopped

  • 3/4 cup canned pineapple bits, drained

  • 6 Tbsp red onion, chopped

Follow these steps:

  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.

  2. Line a baking pan with foil and lightly toast Wonder® English Muffins halves.

  3. Spread 1 tbsp marinara sauce on each muffin half, then distribute cheese, ham, pineapple, and onion evenly over muffin halves.

  4. Bake 8-10 minutes until cheese is melted and pizzas are heated through. Serve warm, and enjoy!
